Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Fortune cookies for KBB#27

This was my 1st trial as 'balon' in the club :)

Tadinya bertekad kalo dapet surat tjinta dari KBB, kudu exekusi secepatnya, tapi setelah dapet kok malah jiper, xixixi..Akhirnya daripada kepikiran terus diberanikan mulai, dengan keyakinan sekali jalan harus berhasil! 

Step 1, kocok telur gagal karna pake telor putih sisa kemaren yg kurang segar., apa gara2 waktu ngocok ng konsen disambi nonton film korea episode terakhir hahaha...

Step 2, agak ragu waktu adonan tepung2an jadi berbulir2 setelah dicampur air, takut adonannya nggak bisa mulus. Aku coba ayak, tapi kelamaan, akhirnya nekad aja cemplungin semuanya. Ternyata udah dicampur ke putih telur jadi mulus.. fiuhhh

Selanjutnya mulus deh... walopun banyak yang gagal dilipet akibat kepanasan atau yang belum mateng tapi udah keburu diangkat, overall dari 1 resep jadi 18pcs (diluar yang gagal)
Produk gagal udah keburu dicemil anak2, cripsy abiiissss

Secara teori resep proses pembuatan cuma 30menit, real-nya 4 jaaaammmm :) Kalo nggak lama, mau deh bikin ini buat cemilan anak2.. kata2 mutiara didalamnya paling disuka kei :)

Background photo-nya niat banget yaaa xixixi.. kebetulan ada project di sekolah kei buat lampion, jadi pinjem dulu sebelum dibawa.

My note:
*Karna penasaran dengan warna fortune cookies yang coklat, sementara punyaku pucat pasi, aku tambahin wilton coklat.
Hasilnya pemanggangan lebih lama dibanding adonan putih (10menit) + diluar oven lebih cepat mengeras sebelum sempat dilipat di gelas. 
*Melipatnya salah, baru ngeh setelah mo selesai, harusnya dilipat di gelas dulu baru di muffin case. 
*Aku ganti almond pakai tutti fruity karna anak2 yang mau makan.

Semoga luluuuuuus :) 


Fortune cookies can be tricky to make - it's important to make sure that the cookie batter is spread out evenly on the baking sheet. Instead of using the back of a wooden spoon to spread the batter, it's better to gently tilt the baking sheet back and forth as needed. Wearing cotton gloves makes it easier to handle and shape the hot cookies. This fortune cookie recipe makes about 10 cookies.
Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes


2 large egg whites
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (1/4sdt toffico vanila)
1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract (1/4sdt toffico tutty fruity)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
8 tablespoons all-purpose flour (80gr)
1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons granulated sugar (80gr)
3 teaspoons water

1. Write fortunes on pieces of paper that are 3 1/2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease 2 9-X-13 inch baking sheets.

2. In a medium bowl, lightly beat the egg white, vanilla extract, almond extract and vegetable oil until frothy, but not stiff.

3. Sift the flour, cornstarch, salt and sugar into a separate bowl. Stir the water into the flour mixture.

4. Add the flour into the egg white mixture and stir until you have a smooth batter. The batter should not be runny, but should drop easily off a wooden spoon.
Note: if you want to dye the fortune cookies, add the food coloring at this point, stirring it into the batter. For example, I used 1/2 teaspoon green food coloring to make green fortune cookies.

5. Place level tablespoons of batter onto the cookie sheet, spacing them at least 3 inches apart. Gently tilt the baking sheet back and forth and from side to side so that each tablespoon of batter forms into a circle 4 inches in diameter.

6. Bake until the outer 1/2-inch of each cookie turns golden brown and they are easy to remove from the baking sheet with a spatula (14 - 15 minutes).

7. Working quickly, remove the cookie with a spatula and flip it over in your hand. Place a fortune in the middle of a cookie. To form the fortune cookie shape, fold the cookie in half, then gently pull the edges downward over the rim of a glass, wooden spoon or the edge of a muffin tin. Place the finished cookie in the cup of the muffin tin so that it keeps its shape. Continue with the rest of the cookies 

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